Selasa, 24 September 2013

OCD - secret how to burn fat fast (Part 1)

Did you know that long ago before technology was improved like today. There's less than 20% people suffering from obesity, less than 15% that suffer from chronic disease.


I've heard a maxim like this, "We are what we eat". And that's true, we get more problem with health because of what we eat in our life.

Pessimist: "should we avoid fast food? how can we survive without them!?"

DO you think You can't eat fast food again?
of course...NOT!

Did you know that in china there's a taxi driver who look like 40 years old? eventually when I confirmed it, He's about 80 (EIGHTY) Years OLD! o_O. I thought it's impossible for me..

How can an 80 years old man look like 40?
6 abs and no Wrinkle! so Jealoussss!

Here's the problem, HOW CAN HE DO THAT?
the answer is OCD (our version) note: it's already popular in Indonesia.

NO supplement, NO heavy exercise, NO heavy diet, NO forbidden food, NO tools.

Pessimist :" ahhh I'm done with this bullshit about burn fat!"

Getting bored here, so let's get to the point.
OCD system is to schedule our mealtime.

In 24 hours, you can choose between 8, 6 , 4 hours mealtime. Less hour you choose = More quickly get into shape :)

Example for 8 hours mealtime : you eat your lunch at 01.00 PM, so you can eat until before 09.00 PM. After 09.00 PM you must not eat again until 01.00 PM. However you can still have drink a water that doesn't have calorie on it, like mineral water or plain tea. You don't wanna get dehydration  don't you?

Pessimist(getting interested) :"What do we eat during our mealtime?"

As I said before.. ALL YOU WANT TO EAT. Burger Pizza or high calorie food, as you like.

BUT!! (I don't like my but) 
You must not eat like crazy in that mealtime hours. It'd would not be effective even if you do OCD.

For MAXIMUM EFFECT, if you can handle 4 hours mealtime. DO try 1 Mealtime during 24 hours. It means if you eat at 01.00 PM, you will eat again tomorrow at 01.00 PM.

If you can't handle it 4 or 6 hours mealtime is good :)
I take between 4 and 6 hours for my OCD.

WHAT? You do OCD too?

OF course! Why would I inform you about this if I'm not getting the benefit :p

For the time being, my sister loss 14 pounds or 7 kilos in 10 days. As for me I don't wanna lose weight. I just wanna build my body in a good shape :D.

Oh yeah about six pack abs I will Inform you again in the second part.

SO, To Be Continued..bye byeeee and see you soon OCD-er 

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